- 02 Elégia
Igor Ajdži Sabo
The solo debut of the drummer and songwriter who has been closely linked with Slnko Records since its beginnings.
Igor Ajdži Sabo
- 01 Sofia 00:06:08
- 02 April Fanfare Dream 00:04:08
- 03 Riekanka 00:04:50
- 04 Elégia 00:06:41
He started playing drums in the 90s as a self-taught musician. His first band was Bosá Noha with Marcel Buntaj, Maťko Gašpar and Stano Počaji.
He collaborated with Oskar Rózsa, Free Faces, Richard Müller, IMT Smile, Peter Lipa, Robo Grigorov and Longital. For many years he intensively played with Jana Kirschner and contributed to her successful albums.
He is currently part of the band Banda, Oblačný systém and also plays with Sima Magušinová, Martin Turčan and Erich "Boboš" Procházko.
Ajdži Sabo released three albums at Slnko Records with Martin Zajko as a duo Slide & Udu.
- 01 THINGS 00:04:44
- 02 CIRCLES 00:03:48
- 03 I CAN'T STAND 00:04:53
- 04 VERACITY 00:04:02
- 05 Behind (Delusional meaning) 00:04:22
The face and founder of this project is Bianca Macková, who is a composer, lyricist and musician. The band members are Marek Votruba (guitar, keys), Jakub Kolesár (bass guitar, bass synth) and Dominik Špuler (drums). The first appearance of this formation was the studio recording of the last track on the debut Delusion (2019).
The second album VERACITY complements the Delusion as its mirror. Looking at the topics from the other side and shining a light on the discussed problematics.
Mila Medvedovska
- 01 Ty si ma oklamala 00:06:26
- 02 Za dlaňou 00:03:13
After the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Mila Medvedovska was forced to leave her hometown of Dnipro together with her ten-year-old daughter. They finally found refuge in Bratislava, Slovakia, where the local community, including several active musicians, took care of them after their arrival.
Thanks to a fortunate coincidence she met a Slovak piano player and composer Daniel Špiner. Their artistic and creative connection was obvious from the very first meeting. They started to create and arrange songs for their music performances. One and a half year later, they release their debut album Za dlaňou in cooperation with respected artists from the local music scene.
"I am very grateful that I have the opportunity to create with Slovak artists. In the situation my country is in, such support gives me strength, faith and at the same time the opportunity to express my feelings through music and bring our two countries closer together," says Mila.
Terrible 2s
- 01 Majster a Margaréta 00:06:50
- 02 Domov 00:03:43
- 03 1000 a 1 noc 00:05:04
- 04 Šťastie 00:07:11
- 05 Slovenskooo 00:06:32
Original bandmates Juraj Mironov and Michal Lašán joined right away. The bass was recorded by Stanka Apfelová and Belinda Rašnerová, whom Lucia and Agnes eventually adopted into the band. A completely new material was created, based on electronic beats and nylon guitar. The debut album is called "Na vrchole síl".
- 01 Piesok 00:04:29
- 02 telo 00:04:01
- 03 pravdu 00:04:20
- 04 smútok 00:04:15
- 05 pre seba 00:02:52
Predstavuje generáciu počítačových začiatočníkov narodených okolo roku '89 a hľadí do budúcna s vedomím svojej, aj slovenskej minulosti.
Žije v aute, na cestách medzi malými mestami a Prahou, kde tvorí a skúša s jazz kapelou. V súčasnosti koncertuje so slovenským producentom Pjonim.
Jana Kirschner
- 01 Krajina rovina live 00:04:36
- 02 Sama 00:05:44
- 03 Na krídlach divých včiel 00:04:38
- 04 Potopa 00:08:54
- 05 Divná 00:03:11
During her musical career, Jana went through a significant transformation from a pop princess to a synonym for musical progress and invention on the domestic scene. With the Moruša project, she brought Slovak and Czech listeners an original combination of modern (so-called western) music production and Slovak musical and cultural traditions.
The Moruša Trilogy: Biela (White), Čierna (Black) and Remixed thus sounds very progressive, worldly but Slovak at the same time. The first part, Moruša Biela, made it to the top 10 of World Music Charts Europe in March 2014.
We are honored that Jana releases albums at Slnko Records. The last one is a refined, organic studio recording Jana Kirschner – Obyčajnosti.
- 01 Na konci hudby 00:07:39
- 02 Noví hostia 00:04:57
- 03 Je dôležité 00:03:34
- 04 Tvoje vojská 00:05:14
- 05 Potom 00:03:37
Ich piesne sú výlučne v slovenčine, osobné texty vytvárajú na hudobnom pozadí nevšedné emócie a príbehy, akoby z vlastného vesmíru. Shinin charizmatický spev, hlboké basové linky hrané slákom a výrazná pódiová prezentácia sú vyvažované Danovou divokou hrou na akustických a elektrických gitarách vo všetkých možných polohách od jemných minimalistických verklíkov, jazzových prvkov až po nespútané zvukové steny, prstami, slákom, slajdom, od čistého zvuku, po úplne spracovaný. Ženský a mužský vokál sa prepletajú, chvíľu znejú spolu, chvíľami každý za seba.
Hudba Longital je plná prekvapení a dynamických zvratov. Autorská dvojica prešla niekoľkými žánrovými obdobiami a po rokoch experimentovania s elektronikou v 2012 Longital odkladajú technológie a prichádzajú s akustickým koncertným programom. Nový zvuk Longital ide na dreň pri zachovaní doterajších kvalít: je energizujúci, priamočiary, tanečný. Nové nástroje ktoré pribudli príchodom Mariána Slávku (2014-2020) a jeho prevedenie, dodávajú koncertom živelnosť a dobroddružný ráz.
V programe Longital Suita k nim pribudlo navyše sláčikové kvarteto v aranžoch Slava Solovica.
V súčasnosti sa vrátili opäť k hraniu vo dvojici s príležitostnými hosťami: Daniel Špiner (2021), Andrej Bako (UK, 2022-23).
Katarína Máliková
- 01 V dome 00:03:50
- 02 Vodník 00:05:37
- 03 Čierna šelma 00:06:03
- 04 Krehká láva 00:05:48
- 05 Dvanásty január 00:04:36
Katarína Máliková (1990) pochádza z Polomky na Horehroní. Mladá a ambiciózna skladateľka načrela do pesničkárskych vôd a loví v nej svoje poklady. Rolu speváčky a klaviristky strieda s tvorením originálnych skladieb a aranžmánov ľudových piesní. Žáner, ktorý tvorí, sa pohybuje na hrane artpopových kompozícií s nádychom baroque minimal a novej world music. Stavia na základoch klasického remesla, ktoré nadobudla počas štúdia hudobnej kompozície a hry na klavíri. Jej tvorba môže miestami znieť scénicky, alebo kinematograficky, pretože je milovníčkou dobrých filmov a divadla. Pestrými hlasovými polohami a kódom tradície v každej piesni sa hlási ku slovanským koreňom.
- 01 TLV 00:03:34
- 02 Two Feathers 00:03:21
- 03 Dangerous 00:04:40
- 04 Walking Like Russell 00:03:33
- 05 Blake Tyger 00:04:45
A group around two authors and friends, Andrej Gmuca / Juraj Kocnár, creating music for imaginary stories.
Valér Miko
- 01 Peace 00:06:05
- 02 Intimacy 00:02:29
- 03 Birth 00:02:31
- 04 The Journey 00:07:16
- 05 Blue Days 00:07:02
He has been a permanent member of the Pressburger Klezmer Band for ten years and you can also know him from collaborations with Jakub Ursiny, Lucia Lužinská or Sisa Michalidesová from the theater performance Silent Rhapsody.
However, the center of his work as a composer and performer of his songs can be found in his trios, with which he recorded several albums released on labels such as Hevhetia, Pavian Records and Real Music House.
Our cooperation started with the release of the Presence album (August 2022) presenting a new trio and interesting guests.
Sisa Fehér
- 01 Remedy 00:03:13
- 02 Open your eyes, someone 00:03:53
- 03 I think you know better 00:03:18
- 04 Sister in law 00:04:23
- 05 Good fighters 00:02:57
Jazz, funk, blues, alternatíva, elektronika, hip hop, swing alebo ľudovky? Košická speváčka a multiinštrumentalistka plynule pláva všetkými spomínanými žánrami a autorsky sa realizuje až v piatich rôznych hudobných projektoch.
„Niektorí ľudia sa ma už pýtajú, či nie som pri toľkých projektoch a žánroch schizofrenik. Ale ja proste skladám, čo mi napadne a potom to niekde zapadne. Momentálne má pre mňa priority kapela Fehero Rocher,“ hovorí talentovaná Simona „Sisa“ Fehérová.
Andrej Šeban
- 01 Zep Tepi 00:03:28
- 02 Sempre Pizz 00:01:40
- 03 Život je krásny 2 00:03:41
- 04 Rock and Roll z Rači 00:05:50
- 05 Princ 00:04:07
During his career he worked in the formations Nervy, Demikát, Banquet by Richard Müller and Combo by Petr Lipa. In the 90's he co-founded the progressive rock band Free Faces and his own instrumental group Ash Band. He has a number of collaborations with names such as Pavol Hammel, Dežo Ursiny, Peter Lipa, Marika Gombitová or Robo Grigorov. So far, he has credited thirteen albums and stage music compositions for films and radio plays as a solo artist.
Andrej is currently preparing a new double album for release - Slovak Dream, which will follow in the footsteps of its predecessor "Rock and Roll from Rača", but will go even further. It promises to contain everything absurd and unbelievable, what is happening between Bratislava and Košice.
If you want to become a supporter of this creative process, you can contribute any amount directly on this page. The funds will be used exclusively for mixing / mastering and completing this new recording.
Nina Berglová
- 01 Hajaju 00:05:13
- 02 O vtáčati 00:05:56
- 03 Pofukuj, povievaj 00:05:18
- 04 Priaďmeže len 00:05:08
From her early age (she started singing when she was 5 years old), she advanced through different musical genres (folklore, classical music, pop, rock, jazz). Her studies of jazz singing at the Conservatory in Messina, Italy, strongly influenced her presence under the direction of one of the most prominent figures in Italian avant-garde jazz, Rosalby Bentivoglio.
She has collaborated on several projects and played concerts with several Italian and Slovak musicians (Livio Minafra, Giampiero Locatelli, Samyr Guarrera, Stefan Bartuš, Alan Bartuš and others).
Milan André
- 01 Throne 00:04:00
- 02 Vancouver 00:03:33
- 03 Who am I 00:03:43
- 04 Last the night 00:03:55
- 05 Further 00:04:33
Milan sa narodil a vyrastal v Kanade, má slovenské a afroamerické korene. Jeho nádherný horko potemnelý hlas a výborná hra na akustickej gitare vytvárajú spojenie, aké sa vyskytne raz za čas.
Richard Grimm
- 01 IV_Voltage 00:01:18
- 02 III_April 00:01:54
- 03 Clutch (1) 00:00:40
- 04 II_Post-funeral hope, for the seniors who remain 00:01:46
- 05 I_Disco for seniors 00:02:02
He likes to draw inspiration from classical music and has developed several projects in this area. His music for string quartet has already been performed live at Festival Konvergencie in Bratislava.
Richard's most recent song cycle is called 8 miniatúr pre dychové sexteto a bicie nástroje.
He is also involved in various alternative music projects - Boh Vajec (Richard's alter ego), God and Eve and Raptor Koch.
Talent transport
- 01 Priestor 00:08:43
- 02 Intrade 00:05:47
- 03 On the other side of the street 00:03:39
- 04 Hodiny 00:07:34
- 05 Singo 00:09:01
Skúsení hudobníci majú za sebou viacročné účinkovanie v niekoľkých známych a úspešných hudobných zoskupeniach ako Hrana, Jana Kirschner, IMT Smile či Sounds Like This. Na naplnenie ich vlastných tvorivých ambícií však dozrel čas až v roku 2014.
Po siedmich rokoch hrania a zbierania nového materiálu, vydali Talent Transport svoj debut a o štyri roky aj druhý album Napospas. Obidve diela sú fúziou jazzu, vážnej hudby a popu, ktorú interne ozančujeme ako “hudbu humánnu”.
Ich tvorba nesie odkaz legiend Mareka Brezovského a Deža Ursinyho, ale napriek tomu sú Talent Transport ťažko uchopiteľní. Originálni v umeleckom aj verbálnom prejave, ktorý vždy nesie dávky miernej (seba) irónie. Čo je však na nich najcennejšie, nechávajú za seba hovoriť predovšetkým svoju hudbu.
Richard Autner
- 01 Zbojníci 00:04:23
- 02 Klára 00:02:30
- 03 Život 00:04:19
- 04 Odpovede 00:05:42
- 05 Bludár 00:03:24
The answer is fairly simple - Richard Autner has so far focused primarily on his acting career. Being a National theatre drama member, he regularly performs in theatrical productions and you can also get to know him from several Slovak series and films.
With his debut album Odpovede, you can see this versatile artist performing in all corners of Slovakia, often in tandem with another actor, director and musician Martin Geišberg.
You could also notice Richard in the dance show Let's Dance 2023.
He is currently working on his second album. If you like Richard Autner's work, you can contribute financially to the costs associated with recording new songs in the studio. We thank you.
Daniel Špiner
- 01 Prvá ranná 00:04:30
- 02 Ty si ma oklamala 00:06:26
- 03 Za dlaňou 00:03:13
- 04 môže byť aj tak 00:12:28
- 05 Hranica dažďa 00:04:25
Daniel Špiner is one of the most sought-after Slovak composers and instrumentalists, as illustrated in his long list of current and past collaborations.
He used to play with Andrej Šeban, Martin Geišberg or the band Longital.
Currently, he creates and performs with Katarína Koščová, Sima Magušinová and Mila Medvedovská. With Daniel Salontay and Jakub Kačic, he recently recorded and released the album Zedzdžez, hard-to-categorize music based on jazz, classical and other influences.
Martin Zajko
- 01 Soul Man 00:03:49
- 02 Buket 00:03:12
- 03 Bamboo 00:01:55
- 04 Nepovieš áno 00:03:12
- 05 Uspávanka 00:02:47
He has been involved in music since childhood and today he is a recognized guitarist, bassist and singer. He considers the year 2004 to be one of the most significant milestones, when Richard Müller approached him with the question of whether he would join him on a concert tour. From this moment, a number of interesting collaborations followed for Martin Zajko.
An important moment in his musical life was the meeting and closer cooperation with the drummer Igor "Ajdži" Sabo. Their joint path began by playing in the formation Sanyland and in Mr. Band of Silvia Josifoska. For a while, they also met in the musical formation Dlhé diely, together they created a very compatible and desirable duo. Together, they recorded, among many other records, Sonia Horňáková's album Pozdrav z Teonatu, and you could often see them on stage with Jana Kirschner or Ďurko Turtev in the Blues Club. However, as a duo Slide & Udu they resonated the most and released 3 albums together at Slnko Records.
Now, Martin Zajko presents another one of his solo projects, an album called Dotyky múz.
Darkness Positive
- 01 10 rokov 00:03:31
- 02 Opálená 00:04:27
- 03 We Grew 00:07:13
- 04 Mushrooms 00:05:26
- 05 New Dope 00:07:12
Darkness positive sú Šimon Švidraň (gitara, spev), Adrián Simonides (basgitara) a Matej Richtarčík (bicie a sampler). Hoci sú chalani hudobníkmi už viac než desať rokov, spolu hrávajú len od augusta roku 2012.
Ich nový singel prináša svieži a drzý zvuk moderného jazzu s textami reflektujúcimi stav súčasných vzťahov a životného štýlu mladej generácie.
- 01 Real 00:02:59
- 02 Mad 00:03:40
- 03 Do You Remember 00:03:31
- 04 Witches 00:03:07
- 05 Time in Space 00:04:16
In April 2024, they present their latest album "No Limit To Love"; a mystical tapestry woven from ethereal threads of magical Slavic trip-hop and ancient harmonies of hippie psychedelia. Their live show is honest and mysterious at the same time, wild but vulnerable, full of human warmth, sexy rhythms, old magic and new joy. Let them light a fire in your soul and take you on an unforgettable adventure where love knows no bounds and the heart finds solace in the realm of song.
Since winning Debut of the Year at Radio_Head Awards 2017, Tolstoys have performed over 200 live shows. Among them were Eurosonic, BUSH, MENT, but also big domestic festivals (Pohoda, Grape, Colors of Ostrava). They toured Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Germany, opening for Tom Odell, Lola Marsh, and Easy Life. Their frontwoman Ela Tolstova was selected for Forbes 30 under 30 and after the release of their 2nd album Mirror Me, which was nominated for album of the year 2022, they appeared on the biggest billboard in Times Square in New York.
- 01 pod nohami zem 00:02:42
- 02 možno 00:03:55
- 03 ráno je múdrejšie 00:03:10
- 04 duša 00:03:32
- 05 vysoké napätie 00:02:18
Life in Cork (Ireland) inspired him to create new music and after years of working in various bands you can find him on stages and streaming platforms under name havrilla.
In his music, he seeks to combine his beloved poetry, resonant guitar and acoustic elements with delicate electronics.
- 01 Rover 00:05:59
- 02 Take the Time 00:04:33
- 03 Pull Together 00:03:21
- 04 Kingdoms 00:05:30
- 05 Sometimes 00:04:08
In the beginning, there were joint trips and winter hikes to various mountains with guitars on their backs. There, the first ideas and melodies along with a modest ambition to create something meaningful, were born.
The result is 15 songs embedded in 13 visual micro-stories that coexist independently, while simultaneously creating one cinematic whole.
Bad Karma Boy
- 01 Utópie 00:03:42
- 02 Palmy 00:03:47
- 03 Blízke brehy 00:04:27
- 04 Na dne rieky 00:04:21
- 05 Dunaj 00:03:41
Bad Karma Boy vydali na jar 2013 svoj eponymný debut, ktorý bol hneď zaradený medzi najpríjemnejšie prekvapenia domácej alternatívnej scény a ocitol sa v niekoľkých výročných česko-slovenských rebríčkoch najlepších nahrávok. Skloňovala sa v nich osobitá atmosféra chytľavých pesničiek so slovenskými textami, zaujímavé zvukové plochy a nástroje ako omnichord, vibrafón, ondes či kalimba.
Čoskoro prišli vystúpenia na Grape festivale, Pohode, Colours of Ostrava, ale aj v zahraničí na jednom z najväčších európskych showcase festivalov Tallinn Music Week.
Odvaha a chuť experimentovať neopustila Bad Karma Boy ani pri treťom albume Prekrásny nový svet. Kapela na ňom ohlásila spoluprácu s producentom Pištom Kráľovičom a spevu sa prvýkrát ujala aj klaviristka Adela Tihláriková.