
Richard Grimm

Albums Support

Selected songs

  • 01 IV_Voltage 00:01:18
  • 02 III_April 00:01:54
  • 03 Clutch (1) 00:00:40
  • 04 II_Post-funeral hope, for the seniors who remain 00:01:46
  • 05 I_Disco for seniors 00:02:02
About the artist

Richard studies composition at the Prague university HAMU.

He likes to draw inspiration from classical music and has developed several projects in this area. His music for string quartet has already been performed live at Festival Konvergencie in Bratislava.

Richard's most recent song cycle is called 8 miniatúr pre dychové sexteto a bicie nástroje.

He is also involved in various alternative music projects - Boh Vajec (Richard's alter ego), God and Eve and Raptor Koch.


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